Area Representative & Show Manager Jackie Gallant, 226-218-2050 [email protected] Treasurer & Memberships Alison Moeller,[email protected] Secretary Heather Warner Website & Facebook Administrators Judy Wanner and Heather Warner Newsletter Editor Charlotte Elliott Sponsorship Maria Jose Figueira Virtual Show Manager Gwen Goodrow Volunteer Coordinator Laura Tobin Junior Riders Coordinator Lauren Pirelli
Our History Looking back. over the last 49 years (yes...Glanbrook Cadora has been around for 49 years...since 1975...!!!), it appears to be more of a case of "geography" than anything else (although some other issues did factor into the formation - and continuation - of what has become Ontario’s most dynamic Cadora group). Way back when, there was Brantford Cadora which was the only dressage organization in southwestern Ontario at the time. Brantford Cadora expanded at an alarming rate and, before anyone realized it, its members spanned a vast area of the province. “Time for change,” some thought. “Too unwieldy to manage,” pondered others. “Let’s see if we can make it work another way”, reasoned the sage. And, as a result, one became two and Hamilton Cadora became the very youthful offspring of its parent, Brantford Cadora. But...these were difficult times as individuals sought to promote figureheads and people not very experienced in the sport. Personalities became prominent, secret meetings were convened, the voices of experience, wisdom, and expertise were quelled. “Time for change!” demanded some. “Too covert to succeed,” muttered others. “We have to make it work another way!” reasoned the sage. And so, on a fairly brisk October evening (.or was it in November??), a hardy band of volunteers gathered at Concordia Farm in Mount Hope, and Brantford Cadora was the beaming and proud parent of yet another progeny, Glanbrook Cadora. On that dark and stormy night (It actually WAS dark and stormy!!), Glanbrook started up operations with about 10 members not knowing if it would survive until the end of the year. Well, it not only survived, it also flourished and, once again, extends over quite a chunk of the province, but there is no thought to go through another splitting process. Over the years, Glanbrook been a leader in acquiring clinicians, hosting dressage competitions, and, generally speaking, supporting the sport in an unparalleled manner and will continue to do so as long as our membership remains steadfast and strong. Over the last quarter century plus, Glanbrook has been fortunate enough to have the leadership of no fewer than five Area Representatives, each one of whom has made his/her own special contribution to ensure that Glanbrook continues to serve the needs of its members. [By the way, if you are wondering what became of “Brantford Cadora”, it changed its name and continues to this day as "Conestoga Cadora". Hamilton Cadora, on the other hand, was obliged to disband a few years ago due to a lack of interest and a seriously dwindled membership.] History by: Don Barnes, Past President of Cadora Inc.. former Eastern Vice-President and Omnibus Editor and Glanbrook Newsletter Editor of 25 years We are sad to announce that Don passed away in October 2022. His leadership in and support of the Canadian Dressage Owners and Riders organization will be greatly missed.